
Sunday, January 25, 2015

Innovation Districts - Don't Miss - Update! (Plus Pictures of Phoenix Center Development Work Along These Lines)

SERIESBrookings Cafeteria Podcast | Number 37 of 37« Previous

Bruce Katz on the 21st Century Metro: Innovative, Powerful, and Leading the Country Forward(Plus John Hudak's "What's Happening in Congress")

“Cities and metro areas are networks, they are not governments; therefore we need to put them central to the debate of how the country moves forward,” Bruce Katz says in this podcast on the metropolitan revolution—metro areas’ recognition that they are where change does and should happen, especially in an era of congressional gridlock. Katz, vice president and director of the Metropolitan Policy Program and also the Adeline M. and Alfred I. Johnson Chair in Urban and Metropolitan Policy, explains that the nation’s 388 metropolitan areas are “the true organic economies”; discusses why metro areas are at the “vanguard of policy innovation”; describes why the traditional federalism pyramid should be flipped to feature cities and metros on top; and offers insights into the new spatial geography of innovation that is spurring production-oriented economic growth.

Katz is co-author, with Jennifer Bradley, of The Metropolitan Revolution: How Cities and Metros Are Fixing Our Broken Politics and Fragile Economy.

Also in the podcast, Governance Studies Fellow John Hudak offers his regular update, "What's Happening in Congress."

Show Notes:

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Images of Innovation District Development Work  (by 21st Century Digital Learning Environments) 
Picture of STEM to STEAM project display for September 20th, 2014 Open House for Ottawa Towers and Phoenix Center

Design Thinking and facilitation on 8th floor in preparation for the Expository Meeting which was cancelled and became the September 20th Open House for Phoenix Center

Picture of the Original Design "the Project" which later became Phoenix Center in 1982 (from "Environmental Analysis of a Central Business Area" the original Pontiac Plan)

September 20th, 2014 Open House for Community at Phoenix Center

Youth Voice - Angel Cole, from September 20th Open House Community Signage page

Visit to Tech Shop with Pontiac Schools/Kids First Initiative lead Richard Bell (to introduce our STEM to STEAM development work with this organization) 

Lawrence Technological University visited for Design Charrette, following Phoenix Center Open House September 20th, 2014

Design Thinking - At 4 N. Saginaw St SATURDAY Morning Breakfast Clubs 10 am - 12 pm

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