
Sunday, January 10, 2016

FRAGILE 20th Century Education/Government - .(Irreversible damage, blowups at the expense of others)

End holdup on Detroit schools fix

A new report describes Detroit Public Schools' financial crisis in a series of appalling numbers. The district has $3.5 billion in total debt: $1.9 billion in legacy costs and short-term debt and almost $1.7 billion for bonds and capital improvements. The district’s accumulated deficit has soared to $215 million. It's behind on payments to its pension fund. And it may run out of cash by April.

The report, released this week by the nonpartisan research group Citizens Research Council, is the most dismal assessment yet of the district's financial circumstances. And that's saying something.
Yet Lansing seems no closer to a solution for DPS than it ever has been.

Last year, Gov. Rick Snyder, who has appointed or re-appointed four emergency managers to lead the district during his five years in office, said he was committed to finding a long-term solution. Last fall, he unveiled a plan to split the district in two: DPS would exist only to collect the district's operating millage and pay its debt, while a new entity would receive the state's per-pupil allowance and educate children.

No bills have been introduced in the state Legislature; no detailed plans have been released.
David Murray, a spokesman for Snyder, noted that recent reports highlight the "urgency" of DPS' situation, and said the governor's office expects action "soon," and that "good discussions" will ensue.
Those terms don't strike us as conveying a sense of urgency — not the kind DPS' problems merit.

What's particularly noxious is that while DPS languishes, Lansing lawmakers have prioritized other, far less-pressing matters: eliminating straight-ticket voting, a purely partisan move, barring school districts from distributing factual information about millage votes within 60 days of an election, and effectively doubling the amount of contributions allowable to political campaigns. It's a stunning misunderstanding of the state's most pressing needs
We have concerns about the outlines of Snyder's proposed plan — it's not clear whether the old district/new district split would free sufficient funds to satisfy the district's debt, including its pension liabilities — but it's the only plan lawmakers are even contemplating.

But it is not without hurdles to clear. In order for the new district to be viable, Snyder must convince lawmakers to free up more money for DPS, to replace revenue generated by the operating millage. Initially, the governor's team had signaled that money would come at the expense of other districts across the state; more recently, he's said that money for DPS need not impact other districts. That's welcome news, and should provide inducement for outstate or suburban lawmakers to support DPS reforms.

And then there's this: Much of DPS' debt was incurred during the district's 15 years (and counting) under state oversight. That places the moral obligation to cover district debt firmly in the state's hands — and legally, because the state stood surety for much of that borrowing.

The state's largest public school district, the system we're relying on to educate 47,000 children, is floundering. We knew this. Now it is nearly out of cash. The state is legally and morally obligated to pick up this burden. And time is running out.

So what's the holdup?

Flint Wants Safe Water, and Someone to Answer for Its Crisis

FLINT, Mich. — A caravan of Genesee County sheriff’s office cruisers snaked its way through the streets here on Thursday, doling out water filters and jugs of water to frustrated and terrified residents who have been trying to cope for more than a year with the public health crisis that has been flowing out of their taps.

Shortly after officials switched the source of their drinking water to the Flint River from Lake Huron in April 2014 to save money, residents started complaining that their tap water looked strange, tasted bad and caused rashes. But not until the fall of 2015, when the water was found to have elevated levels of lead that were reflected in children’s blood, did state officials swing into action.
Now they are scrambling to address a situation that has endangered the health of Flint’s children and generated untold costs and anxiety.

“It’s ridiculous we have to live in such a way,” said Colette Brown, a Flint native who months ago stopped drinking tap water. She said the filter at her home needed a replacement cartridge.

Water filters and jugs of water were distributed on Thursday to residents. Credit Brittany Greeson for The New York Times
“Put yourself in our shoes,” she said. “It’s hurting kids, the elderly. It’s hurting all of us.”
And there was plenty of blame to go around, she added. “It’s almost like a stepladder — you start from the top and you go all the way down to the bottom,” she said.

Switching the source of drinking water was meant to relieve some of the financial pressures on this struggling city. Flint has high rates of gun violence and crumbling infrastructure. And as manufacturing jobs have moved overseas, the population has steadily dropped to fewer than 100,000 — more than 40 percent of whom live below the poverty line.

But it was not long before some in Flint were pointing out the nasty color and odor of what was coming out of their taps, and digging into their wallets to buy bottled water for drinking and cooking, and baby wipes for bathing.

State and city leaders had largely dismissed residents’ complaints for months, assuring them that the water was safe and being tested regularly. With the emergence of the blood level data, officials began advising residents not to drink unfiltered tap water — a recommendation that remains in effect.
In October, Gov. Rick Snyder helped orchestrate a switch back to Lake Huron water. Though Mayor Karen Weaver called that a positive step, she said the change did not undo corrosion damage from the river water that caused pipes to leach lead.

As of last month, the state had identified 43 people with elevated lead levels in their blood. Lead is toxic, and can cause stunted development in children.

Last month, the governor apologized to residents. On Tuesday he declared the city to be in a state of emergency — the same day that federal officials said they had opened an investigation into the water contamination. And in October, Mr. Snyder announced a state plan to distribute free water filters and provide water testing to residents. But many residents remain unsatisfied.

“Their one job was to make sure our water was safe,” Melissa Mays, a Flint resident, said of Michigan environmental officials. Ms. Mays, who has helped organize protests and been among the most outspoken critics of the water situation, said she worried about how the water might be affecting her young sons’ health.

“They cut every corner,” she said. “They did more to cover up than actually fix it. That’s criminal.”
In a scathing initial report last month, a task force appointed by Mr. Snyder found that the State Department of Environmental Quality’s response to health concerns “was often one of aggressive dismissal, belittlement and attempts to discredit these efforts and the individuals involved.” That approach, the report added, was “completely unacceptable.”

For protection, Keri Webber washed dishes wearing gloves. Credit Brittany Greeson for The New York Times
After the letter was released, Mr. Snyder, a Republican and former businessman who took office in 2011, apologized and announced the resignation of the director of the Department of Environmental Quality.

On Thursday, after he met with Ms. Weaver, Mr. Snyder told reporters that he would work to provide “a broad-based suite of services” to address the water issues and other problems in Flint. Among the services could be more water testing, more filters, and health care and education support for those affected. Many residents have called for state money to replace the city’s old pipe infrastructure — which the mayor has said could cost up to $1.5 billion — and a fund to address any developmental impact on children.

“You have to earn trust,” Mr. Snyder said. “This will be a process by showing the steps we’re taking to be proactive.”

Many residents are reserving judgment. Researchers at Virginia Tech who detected the lead contamination last year released state employee emails obtained through a public records request. In a message in July, the governor’s chief of staff at the time, Dennis Muchmore, wrote that he was “frustrated by the water issue in Flint” and that “folks are scared and worried about the health impacts and they are basically getting blown off by us.”

In response, a state health official assured Mr. Muchmore that there was no evidence of increased lead poisoning, a finding later called into question.

A spokesman for Mr. Snyder said the message indicated that the governor’s staff members were engaged and seeking answers on behalf of worried community members.

Some residents are quick to point out that it was an emergency manager appointed by the governor who approved the 2014 switch away from Lake Huron water to save money.

Wantwaz Davis, a member of Flint’s City Council, said the emergency manager “created this problem.”

“What the governor should do is become fully accountable to this problem and give us the finances that we need to rectify the problem,” Mr. Davis said.

Some efforts already underway have added to residents’ frustrations. At City Hall on Thursday, where signs advertise free water filters, Quintina Swanson stopped by to pick up a replacement cartridge. But Ms. Swanson, 25, was told that the model she needed was out of stock, and that she would need to return later or go to a different distribution site.

Sheriff Robert J. Pickell of Genesee County, who organized the door-to-door water filter distribution, said traveling to another site was not always possible in a place like Flint. “People over in Lansing, they forget how the poor folks live,” Sheriff Pickell said, referring to the state capital. “They say they’re going to have a distribution center. They forget that not everybody has a car.”

Still, residents said they were grateful that state officials and federal investigators were now engaged. Ms. Weaver, a clinical psychologist elected last year largely on a promise to improve the water, praised Mr. Snyder for his emergency declaration, even as she cautioned that major commitments of time and money would be needed.

“It does let us know that our voice is being heard,” Ms. Weaver said. “And for such a long time, the residents of the city said, ‘We do not have a voice.’ 

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